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Adventure Play Area

Completed and ready for Bosmere pupils to use at break and lunch times

Adventure Play Area

Dear Parents

I am really pleased to be able to announce that our new adventure play area has now been completed and will be open for the children to use at break time and lunch time. We have a rota in place in school for a different year group each week, with individual classes being allocated specific break times. This week is down on the rota for Year 4. We will be talking to the children in assembly about safety on the equipment before they are allowed to play on it. For supervision reasons, even though the fence has now been removed, the rule will remain in place that no children are permitted to use the adventure playground before or after school.

For health and safety / liability reasons, we also need to request that parents meeting their children on the playground after school DO NOT allow younger siblings to play on the equipment. There have also been a number of occasions recently where children have been running behind the bushes in front of the school building, where they cannot be seen by parents. All young children are the responsibility of the adult they are with on the playground. Please could we respectfully ask that children keep only to the playground area.

Thank you for your support and understanding.

Kind regards

Kathryn Robinson