Park Road South Crossing
Road Safety Reminder
Park Road South Crossing
Dear Parents
It has been brought to my attention that there are no longer any 'lollipop men' acting as a school crossing patrol by the traffic lights across Park Road South by Tesco. I understand from Hampshire County Council that there are unfortunately no plans to reinstate this facility, even though school has repeatedly expressed the view that it is an essential service in order to keep our children at Bosmere safe.
It is therefore essential that we give the right road safety advice to the children, reminding them that they MUST wait for the 'Green Man' before crossing the road. We will be reinforcing this in assembly. I know that it is sometimes tempting as a parent to have the confidence that you can read the traffic and to cross before the green man appears but please could I advise parents against doing this, as children walking independently will often follow adults crossing at the same time which models the wrong behaviour and could put them at serious risk.
Can we take this opportunity to remind parents that Bulbeck Road Car Park (behind Majestic Wine) is available FREE to Fairfield and Bosmere parents/carers during term time between the times: 8.20am to 9.05am (for morning school run) and 2.50pm to 4pm (for afternoon collection). You do not need to display anything to park there during this time. It is now a potentially safer option as the children do not have to cross a major road to get to the school gates.
If you are issued with a parking ticket when using the car park within the time periods specified then please contact Mr Adam at the school office.
Thank you for your support with this matter.
You can find more alternatives and information about our transport plan here:
Kind regards
Kathryn Robinson