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Class teachers for 5W and 4DS from January 2023

Details of teaching arrangements

Dear parents of pupils in 4DS and 5W

As you know, 5W's class teacher, Mr Wood, will be leaving us at the end of this term. Arrangements for teaching this class have now been finalised and will also have a knock-on effect for 4DS. 

From January, Mrs Shore will be increasing her hours and moving into Year 5 to take over from Mr Wood in 5W. Mrs Dawson will be remaining in 4DS for 3 days per week (Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays), with Mrs White, who already provides additional teaching hours in Year 4, stepping in to teach 4DS on Mondays and Tuesdays.

This arrangement provides the best overall continuity for the children in both classes, as Mrs Shore already knows many of the children in 5W, as does Mrs White in 4DS.

There will be a detailed handover of any information so that we can make a smooth transition from the Autumn to the Spring Term.

Due to the change in teacher, from January 5W will be known as 5S and 4DS will be known as 4DW.

If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards

Kathryn Robinson
