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Key Reminders for September 2023

Downloadable Parents' Handbook and Home School Agreement

Key Reminders for September 2023

As we approach the end of term, I thought it would be useful to send out a few reminders regarding the start of the new school year in September. I will also send this email out again during the summer holidays, for those parents who appreciate reminders!

I am also attaching our Parent Handbook, which provides information in a friendlier format, and our Home School Agreement, as a reminder of expectations. It would be useful to read through both of these documents with your child before the start of term.

We will be looking forward to welcoming pupils back to school on Monday 4th September.

Uniform and Equipment

  • On days when they are not doing PE / Games, children will need to come to school wearing their full school uniform.
  • There will be high expectations with regards to uniform. Here are some reminders:
    • Ties should always be worn with full school uniform. In hotter weather, we will make the decision in school that the children may remove them.
    • Shoes worn with full school uniform should be completely black – all black trainer style shoes are permitted, but they should have no different coloured soles or logos. Boots / open toe sandals are not permitted.
    • Any hair accessories should be uniform / hair coloured and of a small, discrete nature.
    • Children are permitted to wear one pair of small, plain stud earrings and a watch; no other jewellery should be worn.
  • On days when they do PE / Games, children will need to come to school wearing their PE kits.
    • Y3 - Tuesday and Thursday
    • Y4 - Monday and Wednesday
    • Y5 - Wednesday and Friday
    • Y6 - Monday and Thursday

NB Children in Y4 and Y6 will need to wear their PE kit on Monday 4th September.

  • There will also be high expectations with regards to PE kit. Here are some reminders:
    • In hotter weather children may just wear the school PE T-shirt and school royal blue shorts.
    • The navy blue joggers and school sweatshirts can be worn in cooler weather.
    • Black leggings / cycling shorts are not permitted as part of the school PE kit.
    • Children may wear trainers of any colour with their PE kits.
  • Please ensure all items of uniform / PE kit are named!
  • Children should bring a named water bottle into school each day and take it home for washing at the end of each day.
  • Separate pencil cases with an individual set of equipment will be provided for each child to use in school, but they may bring in a small named pencil case from home if they wish.
  • Children will need to bring a named art shirt into school. This can stay on their peg.
  • If children need to bring a mobile phone into school, these should remain switched off and kept out of sight during the school day.

Our uniform shop will be open on Wednesday 30th August 10am until 2pm and on Friday 1st September 1pm – 4pm. Any orders placed through Parentmail or on order forms will be ready to collect on these dates. Please ring the buzzer and a member of the office team will come to assist you.

Start of the Day Arrangements

  • Drop off time in the morning is any time between 8:30am and 8:50am – your child may enter school via either gate.
  • Please ensure your child does not arrive and wait at the gates before 8.30am.
  • On the first day of term, 4th September, parents may accompany their child onto the playground, where they will be met by their class teacher.
  • After the first day, parents will not be allowed onto the playground in the morning; children will be supervised on the playground then allowed into school from 8:45am.
  • An adult will be on duty at the main gate to speak to parents.
  • Gates will be locked at 8:50am.

End of School Arrangements

  • Playground gates are unlocked at 3:20pm for parents to enter the playground.
  • Children will come out of school onto the playground at 3:30pm to meet their parents or to leave school independently.
  • An adult will be on duty on the playground.

Transportation to School

  • We strongly recommend pupils walk, scoot or cycle to school.
  • If you have no alternative but to drive your child to school, we would urge you to use our Park and Stride approach:

We are very pleased to have been able to secure the following options for this:

    • Bulbeck Road (West Street) Car Park,
    • Prince Georges Street Car Park,
    • East Pallant Car Park,
    • Town End House Car Park (HBC spaces only – not LiveLink Private car park spaces - limited availability)

The above car parks are available FREE to Fairfield and Bosmere parents/carers between the times:

  • 8.20am to 9.05am (for morning school run)
  • 2.50pm to 4pm (for afternoon collection)

This is TERM TIME ONLY and does not apply during school holidays and school closure days.

You do not need to display anything.

Park and Stride from Tesco, Solent Road will also continue to be available to parents/carers.

Please note the Meridian Centre Car Park is NOT included in the Park and Stride scheme.

  • PLEASE DO NOT ARRANGE TO MEET YOUR CHILD ON THE ROUNDABOUT. Parking on double yellow or zig-zag lines outside the school (including the bus stop in Park Road South and the turning circle) is illegal. Traffic wardens regularly patrol and issue tickets. BE WARNED!
  • The school car park is for staff only. Parents, please encourage your children to walk on the paths and not through the car park. Parents are only permitted to use the staff car park with permission from the Headteacher.

Contact with the School

  • Teachers’ email addresses will be shared with parents at the start of term.

If you have any questions at all before the start of term, please do not hesitate to contact me ( or Mr Adam ( – we will be more than happy to offer help and support.

Yours sincerely

Kathryn Robinson
