Eco-school News December 2022
On 6th December, the Bosmere Junior Road Safety Officers (JRSOs) and Miss Dawes joined Eco Club's lunchtime meeting to discuss ways we can work together to encourage Bosmere pupils and staff to travel to and from school by sustainable means - walking, scooting or cycling. We decided to do a survey to find out how pupils travel to and from school at the moment. The next step would be to suggest some days when people try to travel sustainably. And then to repeat the survey to see whether there has been any improvement as a result of the actions of the JRSOs/Eco Club working together.
Eco Governor
One of Bosmere's governors, Mrs Jenny Lane, has volunteered to become our Eco Governor; she would like to join us for some Eco Club meetings and events, and she will be able to report back to the Governing Body so they are aware of Eco Club activities. We look forward to welcoming Mrs Lane to Eco Club!
On 13th Dec, Eco Club were shown the brilliant improvements that a group of Chichester University students have achieved in the Bosmere copse. They have cleared a big area of undergrowth, arranged logs for seating, and installed some information boards which they have created, complete with QR codes linking to additional classroom resources. The Eco Club members were most impressed and wrote comments on the leaf templates provided by the students, Amy and Blake, which they can now use in their project scrapbook. Thanks to Amy and Blake for sharing this with Eco Club, and to everyone in the group for their hard work which will be enjoyed by all Bosmere's pupils. For more photos click here.
This collaboration between our Eco Club and Chichester University also ties in very well with our Action Plan target to improve understanding of the Biodiversity in our school grounds.
Also on 13th December, all the Eco Club members made a bird feeder using a shell and string, which they took home, with a small packet of bird seed. For more photos click here. And all the children were given a Frugi ‘Learning about Forests’ bingo game to try over the Christmas holidays.
Second Visit to see the Tree Sculpture
Those children who were unable to come on the first visit to Havant Park to see the Tree Sculpture went at lunchtime on 14th December. These were members of Eco Club and some of the winners of the competition who actually suggested ideas for the design of the sculpture. The Chain Saw Sculptor showed them how he creates his artworks and answered their questions about his technique and planning. The sculptures are coming on brilliantly and he hopes to finish before the end of the year. For more photos click here.