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Approach to Reading

At Bosmere, we believe that being a skilled reader will open up a world of success and enjoyment for children; therefore, it must be an integral part of everything we do.  We teach and encourage children to read as much as possible; as widely as possible and with as much enthusiasm as possible.  We read: silently and aloud; individually, in pairs, in groups and as a class; short passages and long passages; fiction and non-fiction, and for enjoyment and for learning.  We teach children to respond to what they have read through discussion, questioning, drama and written work, and as children move through our school, they are encouraged to become more articulate in their written responses.

When children enter Bosmere, the National Curriculum states that they should be able to ‘read books written at an age-appropriate interest level… accurately and at a speed that is sufficient for them to focus on understanding’. Consequently, the focus shifts from decoding to thinking more deeply about what they have read.  However, for a small number of children, decoding will still be taught alongside the age-related requirements to ensure they make rapid progress in order to catch up with other pupils.  We teach phonics to all our Year 3 children using the Essential Letters and Sounds Scheme (ELS). Pupils in other Year Groups are also taught using ELS in small intervention groups if needed. 

In years 3 and 4 children should be:

  • discussing their understanding of a wide range of texts including fiction, poetry, plays, newspapers, magazines and a wide range of other non-fiction
  • explaining the meanings of words in context
  • choosing words that capture the reader’s interest and imagination
  • inferring characters’ feelings, thoughts and motives from their actions
  • predicting what might happen next
  • identifying the main ideas from a paragraph, a chapter or possibly a whole short story
  • commenting on the language, structure and presentation of a text
  • picking out pieces of evidence to justify their answers

In years 5 and 6 children should also be:

  • discussing and evaluating how authors’ use of language impacts on the reader
  • distinguishing between fact and opinion
  • making comparisons within texts and across them
  • developing opinions on what they have read and using evidence to support these opinions
  • challenging others’ ideas and views courteously 

A Guide to Levels of Reading

Both teachers and parents want to have clear guidance on the level at which children should be reading at key stages in their primary education. The following videos aim to demonstrate the so-called 'Reading Fluency Standards' at the end of Year 2 and Year 6 - in other words as they start and finish their 4 years at Bosmere. These are targets which both teachers and parents can help the children to work towards through supporting them as they practise their reading in the classroom and at home.

End of Year 2 standard:

End of Year 6 standard:

Helping at home with reading

In order for children to make the best progress possible, it is essential that they read regularly at home with an adult (throughout primary school) and have the opportunity to discuss what they have read to demonstrate and develop their comprehension skills.  Research suggests that just 10 minutes of reading and discussion each day can make a dramatic difference to a child's educational attainment.  Please find below two documents with a list of questions which can help you to initiate discussion about a text and develop these essential skills.

All pupils have a reading diary to accompany their reading book. Parents are encouraged to check this reading diary every day and to write any comments and concerns as they arise. This book can be used for initial communication with the class teacher.

Helpful websites for advice and ideas:

Get free eBooks from

Motivating boys to read

Help for struggling readers

 More advice and ideas about how to engage children

 Free online service that offers recommendations of children’s books

Children’s books magazine with reviews of books, information on authors and other related Newspaper for children