I do hope you all had a lovely Easter break. After the hectic end to last term, I know the children (and the staff!) were more than ready for some time to recharge! So, here we are, already two weeks into the Summer Term, although the Summer weather hasn’t quite caught up with us yet! We have had a super first couple of weeks, which have already included trips for Year 3 and of course the Year 6 residential. Read on to find out more!
We will be saying a sad farewell to Mrs Bath, one of our lunchtime supervisors, in the next couple of weeks. She is moving on to a job in another school kitchen. We will miss her cheerful smile and her lovely caring nature with the children but wish her all the best with her new job.
We are very much looking forward to holding our Coronation Event in school. This will be taking place on Friday 5th May and will involve a ‘street party’ style lunch outside, then lots of fun and games in the afternoon (weather permitting). The afternoon will involve different events for the children to take part in, including a sporting challenge, a dance party and games, a craft activity and our very own Bosmere 'Right Royal Gnome Hunt'!
Children can come to school wearing red, white and blue clothing instead of their school uniform on this day.
They can also enter our Coronation Competition by designing and making their own 'Coronation Hat' to wear for the celebration lunch. The hats will be judged at the Coronation Party, with prizes for the winners and badges for all who enter.
The only school lunch available on this day will be the special Coronation picnic. If you have not ordered this for your child, then they will need to bring in their own packed lunch to eat on this day.
Year 6 children will be sitting their SATs tests starting on 9th May. They have worked so hard this year and are more than ready to show everyone what they can do. They deserve to be very proud of all that they have achieved. We do not want any children getting anxious about these tests. As parents, you can help them by making sure they get plenty of sleep and arrive on time to school each day, having had a good breakfast.
We are also looking forward to holding our annual ‘Superstars’ PTA fundraising event on Wednesday 24th May, from 12:50pm until 5:00pm. Parents are invited to join us in the playground to watch their children taking part in some crazy events! There will be refreshments available and lots of fun to be had. More details will be coming out about this next week, including a plea for parent support on our refreshment stalls. There will also be a superstars raffle with some fantastic prizes (1st prize £100) to win. Raffle tickets will be sent home and on sale during the superstars afternoon.
We will also be sending out further details shortly about our School Council-led charity fundraising event, which is taking place in June and this year is aiming to raise money for the Guide Dogs charity. The school has a long standing tradition with this charity, which includes guide dogs and their owners being invited into assemblies to visit the children! Watch out for further details about this event soon.
Year 3 returned from their Easter break full of smiles and ready to learn. It has been lovely catching up with them and hearing about all the exciting things they got up to over the holiday... unsurprisingly, chocolate was a popular theme!
In English, we have been enjoying sharing books written by Paul Geraghty, with opportunities to listen to stories in class as well as reading books with classmates. The children have been writing a book review, a skill that they will be putting to good use on our PBL day. In maths, we have been working hard on telling the time. This is an essential life skill and one that we would love you to work on at home with your children, reinforcing the work they have been doing recently. We will re-visit time during our Drop, Stop and Calculate session on the 16th May, when the children will have an opportunity to show off some of their skills.
All three classes have been looking forward to their trips to Dell Quay; 3D and 3A have already had a wonderful time completing fieldwork tasks and splashing about in the river this week, and we are sure 3B will have just as much fun on Friday. This trip supports the work the children have been doing in geography and allows them to apply what they have been learning in our rivers unit last term.
Homework expectations remain the same this term; reading and times tables will be checked weekly and the children have stuck the new project tasks list into their homework books. We are looking forward to a summer term full of new and exciting topics and, as always, continue to be grateful for the support you are providing at home.
Year 4 have been loving their English Unit so far this term, letting their imaginations run wild, writing ambitious setting descriptions based on our book ‘The Promise’.
Before the Easter break, Canon Tom and his team of volunteers hosted a really fun rotation of workshops in St Faith’s Church to help us learn about how Christians celebrate the Easter story. The children were such a credit to Bosmere, showing great respect, and were engaged throughout the activities. We were very grateful for all the effort that Canon Tom put in to facilitate this very special experience for the children.
For our HEARTs afternoon, we were thinking about RESPECT for the people who care for us. The children wrote some beautiful poems about the love they have for their mothers – we hope you enjoyed receiving these on Mother’s Day.
The children in Year 4 absolutely loved sharing their PBL projects with you last half term and we were so excited by the turn out! Thank you for making the time to come and see all the hard work they had put in, we hope you enjoyed seeing what they have been up to!
We have had a fabulous start to the summer term, producing some really great writing linked to our highwayman topic in English. 5S and 5B are beginning to think about their class assemblies and we are looking forward to our volcanoes workshops as a super starter to our volcanoes topic in geography.
Year 6 has had yet another busy month. We have had some SATs practice, the Spring concert ,and a kit check ready for our residential on the Isle of Wight.
Returning after the Easter holiday, Year 6 started their PGL week with a morning of activities at school including a hike along the Billy Line. A mountain of luggage was skilfully packed into the coaches when they arrived and our adventure began. Luckily the weather was lovely and we enjoyed our trip across the Solent.
The children were allocated their cosy homes for the week and our activities began after tea. During the week our activities included kayaking, matrix, climbing, archery, Jacob's ladder, orienteering, survivor and a Bosmere favourite, the sensory trail. We also took part in evening activities so everyone welcomed bedtime. All the children did amazingly and had the time of their lives. Another brilliant memory to take away with them when they leave Bosmere. Now onto preparation for SATs. Year 6 you've got this!
What is your role? I am a part-time (mornings only) LSA in Year 6.
Where do you find me? This year I am working in 6B with Mrs Browne.
When did you join Bosmere? I have been an LSA for just over 5 years now. Prior to that, I volunteered at the school for several years when my son was here (although by the time he was in Year 6, I was no longer allowed to volunteer in the same class as him).
What do you like to do in your spare time?
I play tennis every week and have done for over ten years now. I quickly reached a mediocre level of play, and have plateaued since then. I also cycle everyday to school, and twice a week with a friend. Unfortunately, none of this seems to make me very fit!
Sarah Smith
You may have seen me on the school playground, but if not, I am mum to two children who are currently in year 3 and year 5 with a third child joining in September 2023. Besides being a parent governor since May 2021, I work in Finance for a local charitable trust. I am also the secretary for the Bosmere PTA.
When I am not being a ‘taxi service’ for my children I like to go on adventure walks with my family, exploring woodlands, countryside and coastal sites. I like to do cross stitch when I get chance and quite enjoy a television series or two!
Why I became a governor
Although people may think I am slightly crazy juggling three young children and working full time, I became a governor so that I could better understand how Bosmere operates, and to be part of a team that provides support and direction to the school to ensure that the children of Bosmere have a great education, opportunities to learn and fun along the way. I wanted to be able to apply my work experiences to a school setting.
Since joining the governing body, I have not been disappointed and I am proud to be governor at Bosmere. In meetings I am surrounded by an experienced and interesting group of people who work collaboratively with the school leadership team and staff and as the Ofsted report commented, governors really do “understand and care for the school’s pupils and staff.”
My current roles on the governing body and what they involve:
In addition to the overall responsibilities of being part of the governing body, I am Vice Chair of the Finance and Resources Committee and a member of the Pay Committee, I have subject responsibility for music, and am a link governor with year 5. I am also Bosmere’s representative on the Hampshire Governors Forum.
These roles involve scrutinising financial information to ensure the school budget is being spent appropriately to the benefit of the children, reviewing policies, and I have been given the opportunity to present recommendations of change and involvement in the strategic direction of the school. I was in the orchestra and played the clarinet and keyboard when I was younger so having music as my subject is a good mix. To help me fulfil my role as a parent governor I have had mentor support from a fellow governor and access to a huge library of training materials, of which I have already completed at least 36 courses with learning that is quite transferrable.
Biodiversity & Marine - Eco Club enjoyed a day full of activities led by Chichester Harbour Conservancy, focusing on the impact of plastic pollution on marine food chains. In the morning we walked down to Langstone foreshore, collecting and recording litter as we went, and looked at marine animals on the beach. See the photos here.
In the afternoon we created mobiles to demonstrate marine food chains; one side of each picture shows the animal or plant as it looks from the outside, the other side was decorated using rubbish, mostly plastics, collected from the beach to show what had been eaten by the animal or might be polluting the plant. The mobiles are now hanging in the Library for everyone to enjoy. Click here for more photos.
We have been recording single-use plastics in lunch boxes and are pleased to see signs that more children are using individual plastic containers which can be washed and re-used every day. Fantastic news - thank you for your support!
Tasting Plant-based Foods and Drinks - Our Eco Governor Mrs Lane talked to Eco Club about the benefits to us and to the environment of eating less meat and more plant-based alternatives. She brought in a selection of plant-based foods and milks for Eco Club to taste. The 27 members of Eco Club voted on their favourite: tofu (1), pea protein burger (4), non-dairy cheese (2), pea protein ‘sausage roll’ (14), mushrooms in pastry (3), oat milk (1) and soya milk (2). So the pea protein sausage roll was the clear favourite!
Eco Club and the Bosmere Junior Road Safety Officers (JRSOs) promoted sustainable ways of travelling to and from school in assembly on Monday 20th March, including 2 people riding their bikes and one on his scooter.
The powerpoint accompanying the assembly was sent to parents via Parentmail to support the message and encourage family discussions at home (downloadable here).
New addition to our Recycling Station in the porch - Eco Club bagged up milk bottle tops and postage stamps (to be taken to Waitrose) and used dental products (to take to the Eco Emporium), and pens from classes (to take to WHSmith), all to be recycled and to raise funds for charities.
We have now installed a bookcase in the porch, alongside our Recycling Station for our ‘Books on Legs’ – ex-library books which we are offering, free of charge, for Bosmere children to borrow for as long as they like. You can return them to the bookcase or pass them on to someone else when you have finished with them. If anyone has any books in good condition, which they would like to donate, please bring them to the school office. Thank you!
Energy - Our Energy Monitors are recording when lights and monitors are turned off in the classrooms at lunchtimes. 5B and 5K are in the lead at the moment.
Having fun in Eco Club - At the last meeting of term, Eco Club hunted for Easter chocolates in the copse followed by a visit to the Jubilee Orchard and bulbs while enjoying their chocolate lollies.
Eco Club have already been busy this term … planting sunflower seeds in peat-free compost in recycled flower pots we made out of newspaper. You can send photos of your growing sunflowers to Mrs Dunn at b.dunn@bosmere.hants.sch.uk.
We have some exciting activities ahead for Eco Club this term!
Book Week Collages - Our visiting author, Ben Davis was so impressed by the 12 class collages of animals and plants inspired by ‘The Lost Words’ by Robert Macfarlane which were created during Book Week. They make an amazing splash of colour displayed along the school corridor and will be entered into the Havant Big Green Week Art Competition in June. For more photos click here.
Hampshire Information Book Award 2023 - Year 4 enjoyed reading, comparing and discussing this year’s shortlisted books and voted 'If the World were 100 Animals' by Miranda Smith and Aaron Cushley as the winner. We have since heard that pupils across the whole county voted overwhelmingly for this particular book. All 5 shortlisted books are now available to borrow from the library.
The Big Fiction Book Challenge – to read as many big fiction books as possible in March, then review each one in just 3 sentences, and give it a star rating. All the competition entries received a Head Teacher’s Award and the 5 winners also chose books as prizes. (For more photos click here.)
Please use the following link to go to our latest e-Safety tip on safe and healthy online habits.
When you’re a parent, you may be all too familiar with experience of feeling guilty.
This may be because you feel guilty for not being able to spend enough time with your children or for not being able to do everything for them. You may also feel like you are not doing enough for your child or the feel you are unable to provide your child with what they need.
Sound familiar?
Do you…
1. find yourself making excuses for your child’s bad behaviour.
2. feel like you have to defend your parenting choices to others.
3. worry that people are judging you based on your child’s actions.
4. feel guilty for not spending enough time with your child.
5. find yourself constantly comparing your parenting skills to others.
6. feel like you’re never doing enough for your child.
7. often feel guilty about the decisions you make as a parent.
8. second-guess yourself all the time when it comes to parenting.
There are a few things you can do:
Try to remember that you’re not the only one. Many other parents feel guilty about not being able to spend enough time with their children. You’re not alone.
Don’t over compensate by “buying” their affection to ease your guilt.
Think of all the things you do for your child without realising! Focus on the positive things you are doing. This could be something simple like making sure they have a healthy meal, spending time reading a bedtime story or taking them to the park.
Set time aside each week to spend with your children. This doesn’t have to be a lot of time, but it should be enough to really connect with them. It need not cost anything as just being together is what your child wants. Do some colouring, play a board game, watch their favourite film with them.
Having the continuing feeling of guilt may:
Make you become overprotective of your child, which may limit the child’s independence.
You may have difficulty setting and enforcing boundaries and discipline your child, which may in turn lead to behavioural problems and have a negative effect on your relationship, (the child may also develop feelings of guilt, thinking that they are the cause of their parent’s stress).
Talk to someone you trust about the guilty feelings you are experiencing. You’ll be surprised how many people feel the same but just don’t admit it!
In the words of Elsa from Frozen “Let it go!” Don’t compare yourself or your family to what others are doing with their children. Facebook and Instagram can be your worst enemies so remind yourself you are doing what’s right for you.
Mrs Lever is always on hand to chat. Alternatively, you can access the Havant Family Support Service for a 1:1 consultation. Ask Mrs Lever for details.
1st |
May Day - Bank Holiday |
2nd |
Possible Industrial Action
3rd |
Y4 Drop Stop and Calculate 9am |
4th |
4S Class assembly 9am |
5th |
Coronation Celebration Event Whole School TBC
8th |
Coronation Bank Holiday |
9th - 12th |
SATs Week |
11th |
Choir singing at St Faith’s with Solent Male Voice Choir 6pm - 8.30pm |
15th |
4R trip to Tuppenny Barn |
16th |
4DW trip to Tuppenny Barn
Y3 Drop, Stop & Calculate Time 9am
Summer Pre-Loved Uniform Event 3pm
17th |
Class photos |
18th |
5S Class Assembly 9am |
19th |
22nd |
4S trip to Tuppenny Barn |
24th |
Superstars 12:50pm - 5pm |
25th |
5B Class Assembly 9am
Superstars raffle draw 1.30pm
26th |
Y6 Water Fight
Last Day of Term
29th - 2nd June |
Half Term |
5th |
Return to school |
5th - 9th |
Guide Dog fundraising events |
7th |
Y3 Trip to Butser |
8th |
PTA Meeting via TEAMS - 6pm |
9th |
Y6 Fiver Challenge - 3.30pm - 4pm
15th |
6B Assembly 9am
22nd |
Y4 Trip to Dell Quay (class tbc)
Y6 Fiver Challenge 3.30pm - 4pm
23rd |
INSET day |
26th |
Y6 Fiver Challenge 3.30pm - 4pm |
27th |
Y4 (2 classes) Trip to Dell Quay (class tbc)
Y5 Masterclass at Warblington (2-3pm) Parents to be invited from 3pm.
29th |
Sports Day (time tbc) |
3rd - 7th |
Last week of Summer Clubs |
4th |
Yr 2 transition and class move up morning |
5th |
Yr 2 transition picnic 12pm
Yr 2 new parents meeting 1.45pm
14th |
Y5 Performance "Bombed" 2pm |
17th |
Reports to parents |
19th |
Y3 Celtic Day |
20th |
Y6 Leavers DISCO 6.30pm to 8.30pm (tbc) |
21st |
Final Celebration Assembly (time tbc)