What a busy term this has been! We seem to have squeezed so much into it, from Book Week, to Project Based Learning, to exciting trips and visitors, to parent workshops and Spring Concerts – read on to find out more! As ever, I am exceptionally proud of all the wonderful learning which has been taking place and the huge range of talents shown by all of our children here at Bosmere. I do hope everyone can enjoy a well-deserved break over the Easter holidays.
It’s been another calm half-term with no members of staff leaving and nobody new starting!
Life has been busy in Year 3 this half-term!
As historians, we have learnt even more about the Ancient Egyptians. We mummified tomatoes, cracked codes in hieroglyphics and found out that the Egyptians invented bowling balls!
As geographers, we learnt about soft and hard rock with Jaffa Cakes and Rich Tea biscuits and even made our own playground river! We are so excited to visit our local river and complete some field work on our school trip to Dell Quay after the Easter holidays. Showing empathy, we have discussed suffering and considered how Christians believe that Jesus suffered through the Easter story. We have been inputting algorithms in computing and have been speaking lots of Spanish with Senoria Bakers.
As writers, we worked so hard to create interesting and detailed fact files about the Ancient Egyptians. During World book week, we had a super workshop with a real author! We created our own characters and had opportunities to write about them. Recently, we have been exploring the fantastic work of Paul Geraghty and reviewing some of his stories. As mathematicians, we have been learning to measure in mm, cm and m, finding fractions of amounts and doing lots of problem-solving to make us think outside the box and apply our maths in exciting and open-ended ways. Applying our problem-solving skills, we have conducted many successful science experiments and are becoming accurate scientists.
There is much more fun and learning to come in the summer term. We can't wait for our school trip to Dell Quay and another dressing up opportunity to launch our new writing unit on fairy tale day.
The year 3 team have loved working alongside the children this term and have really enjoyed seeing them mature and take their learning up a notch. We are so proud of them and hope that everyone has a safe, restful and enjoyable Easter break.
After a busy few weeks, the children are all looking forward to a well-earned break over Easter.
Book week was jam-packed with activities! We were very impressed with the loo-roll character entries and the range of 'characters' that turned up in our classrooms on World Book Day! The children thoroughly enjoyed book sharing with Year R and Year 1 at Fairfield; it was a trip down memory lane for many of them, as well as a wonderful opportunity to spend time with younger pupils. We followed this up recently with our Year 2 reading buddies, where our Year 4 children rose to the occasion once again and were fantastic role models to our future Bosmere pupils.
We all enjoyed our recent trip to St Faith's Church, where the Easter story was brought to life by Canon Tom and his team of volunteers. We were incredibly proud of all the children who represented Bosmere brilliantly. The children were engaged throughout, listening carefully and sharing their own thoughts. If you haven't already, please do ask your child about this experience.
Over recent weeks, the children have been working hard on their Greek PBL projects. We have been impressed with the team work, time management and artistic skills that they have demonstrated. Thank you to all the parents who came along and supported our showcase. The children were rightfully proud of what they achieved and loved having the opportunity to share this with you.
We would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a wonderful Easter break and look forward to the children returning refreshed and ready for the summer term.
What a wonderful Spring Term Year 5 have had. We learnt so much about volcanoes and were able to make our own and watch them erupt in a very interesting experiment. We used vinegar and bicarbonate soda to create a foaming volcano! In DT, we learnt all about sewing and the different stitches we can make, like, cross stitch, back stitch and blanket stitch. We were then able to use the skills we learnt to create our own projects using felt and other materials like beads, thread and zippers. Year 5 was lucky enough to have support from volunteers that came in to help us with our sewing. A big thank you to all that were able to come and help us.
Year 5 also had a few visitors this term. We were visited by teachers and students from Warblington School. They gave us information about all the exciting things that happen in senior school. Canon Tom came in to teach us many interesting things about RE, and we were also very lucky to experience some Mental Health workshops.
Finally, we had our introduction to next term's topic about World War II. Each class travelled to the D-Day museum in Portsmouth where we learnt about the start of the war and different events that took place during the war. We also managed to go onto the landing craft there too. We are all very excited and fascinated to learn more next term.
Year 6 has had an incredibly busy half-term. After enjoying 'The Boy at the Back of the Class' at Chichester Festival Theatre, and experiencing lots of activities at the STEM fair, we have all settled back to the routine of lessons. All the children have been working exceptionally hard, and we are looking forward to the Easter break, which will be closely followed by our residential. (Please see the latest ParentMail giving full instructions for the 15th April).
MEET THE STAFF – Kirsty De Stains
What role: Learning Support Assistant
Where do you find me: In Year 3, in the classroom (Room 11)
When: I joined Bosmere in November 2023, having previously volunteered in the classroom in 2022. Everyone is supportive and friendly, and I work within a great team!
What do you like to do in your spare time: I live with my partner and 2 children (who keep me busy). I enjoy spending time with my family and friends and love going to the theatre.
Quirky fact: I was a former dental nurse for 15 years, before becoming an LSA.
We currently have a vacancy for a Co-opted Governor. This cannot be a parent as we have the required number of parent governors, but if anyone knows someone from the local or wider community, perhaps from a local business, who may be interested in becoming a governor, please chat to them and ask them to contact the school office.
It was lovely to see so many parents at our parent consultation meetings this half-term. If you have not had the opportunity to meet with your child’s class teacher, please either contact them directly via email or contact the school office, and we will be happy to set up a meeting for you.
Bosmere had a great time celebrating Book week. The visiting author Chris White kept everyone entertained on the Monday with a really fun assembly to kick the celebrations off. Mrs Cronin worked hard with all the classes to create some amazing artwork which is on display in the school corridor. The children all enjoyed sharing their books with the PSCOs, the children from Fairfield and Glenhurst, the residents of Peel House and with relatives who joined us for the reading sessions.
(Due to the overwhelming support from parents for the drop in sessions during Book week, we will not be holding the planned Drop Stop and Calculate for Year 5 which had been planned for 19th April, or the Drop stop and read for Y4, which was planned for 3rd May).
Year 6 children will be sitting their SATs tests next half-term starting on 13th May. They have worked so hard this year and are more than ready to show everyone what they can do. They deserve to be very proud of all they have achieved. We do not want any children getting anxious about these tests. As parents, you can help them by making sure they get plenty of sleep and arrive on time for school each day, having had a good breakfast.
We are looking forward to holding our annual ‘Superstars’ PTA fundraising event on Wednesday 22nd May during the afternoon and continuing after school. Parents are invited to join us in the playground to watch their children taking part in some crazy events! There will be refreshments available and lots of fun to be had. More details will be coming out about this next half-term, including a plea for parent support on our refreshment stalls.
Developing Healthy Sleep Patterns
For children and young people, low-quality sleep can become a serious issue. It has been theorised that poor sleep can have a significant impact on children’s brain development, affecting them for the rest of their lives. A healthy – and consistent – sleeping pattern, therefore, is incredibly important for children and young people’s wellbeing.
With the stresses and distractions that can present themselves to youngsters (especially with technology), it can be tricky to ensure they are in the best mind-set to wind down in the evenings for the rejuvenating rest that they need. The right approach can give them a better chance of cultivating a healthy sleeping pattern. This guide has some practical tips on helping them to achieve exactly that.
Bereavement Support
Grief is a natural response to loss and can affect us all. You and your family may experience all kinds of difficult and unexpected emotions. The pain of grief can disrupt your physical health, making it difficult to sleep, eat, or even think straight. These are normal reactions to loss. A relationship breakup, losing a job, death of a pet, a loved one’s serious illness, loss of a friendship, selling the family home and even having your child grow from being at an infant school to a junior school can be a trigger for grief and feeling overwhelmed.
Whatever your loss, whatever the cause, it's personal to you. There are many ways to cope and help you come to terms with your loss and there is no right or wrong way.
If your child is experiencing such a loss, you may feel you need to distract them or “jolly them along”. This could give your child the impression that the feelings they have are not validated and, by distracting them, may mask their feelings, causing them to believe emotions need to be kept to a minimum. Allow the child to take time for themselves and cry. Ask if they would like your company, but if not, it’s OK to leave them on their own to cry for a short while. Listening and physical affection could help them but let the child decide.
(This is endorsed by the bereavement charity “Simon Says” https://www.simonsays.org.uk/)
At Bosmere, we are here to support you. Don’t be afraid to ask for advice or information about how you and your family can be helped. Our door is always open.
29th – 12th
Back to school
15th- 19th
Y6 residential trip
5DS Swimming starts
Summer Clubs start
3D trip to Dell Quay
3B trip to Dell Quay
Dance Club performing in Worthing in school for 8.45 in PE kit
3R trip to Dell Quay
Y3 Fairy Tale day
3.10pm Summer Pre-loved uniform event
5DS Fort Nelson Trip
5K Fort Nelson Trip
9am Y3 Drop stop and calculate
9am 4S class assembly to parents
5P Fort Nelson Trip
4B trip to Tuppenny Barn
13th – 19th
Y6 SATs week
2.15pm Y6 water fight
4S trip to Tuppenny Barn
4AW trip to Tuppenny Barn
PM Whole school Superstars Event
4B Class assembly
Class photographs
Digital newsletter out
27th – 31st
Y3 trip to Butser
11th June
Y6 £5 challenge selling day (pm and after school)
9am 6B class assembly to parents
5DS last swimming
Y6 £5 challenge selling day (pm and after school)
Sports Day
Y4 trip (class tbc) – habitats
Y4 trip (class tbc) – habitats
3pm Yr5 open afternoon at Warblington
Y6 challenge selling day (pm and after school)
Warblington transition day
9.30am-11.30am Yr2 transition morning
Warblington transition day
Crookhorn transition day
12pm Y2 transition picnic lunch
1.45 Y2 new parents meeting
Summer clubs finish
Reports home to parents
Y6 Leaver’s disco
Final celebration assemblies (times tbc)
Last day of Summer term
Return to school for Autumn term