“In theatre, the comedy and tragedy masks are used to help the actors portray their emotions, similar to how people in society wear a mask to portray emotions that are acceptable”
Have you ever heard of the term “masking”? I’m sure many people have, as it has become a “Buzzword”.
Believe it or not, we all mask! And it’s not just those people who are Neuro diverse as many people believe.
Developmental studies show masking can begin as early as preschool and develops with age. Masking is mostly used to hide a negative emotion such as sadness, frustration or anger and turns it into a positive emotion i.e. happiness or compliance, which is considered far more socially appropriate.
The causes of masking can depend on the situation. Different social situations require different “performances”. Individuals may mask in school, afterschool activities, play dates, or around people of different cultures and backgrounds. Masking can also be strongly influenced by factors such as strict parents, disapproval from others, and forms of abuse.
Have you ever wanted to say something that you knew would be classed as inappropriate, could cause offence or look bad but have decided not to? That’s masking!
I’m sure we can all think of a time we switched our behaviour to ensure we were “fitting in”.
Many of us have experienced a child coming home and taking the “mask” off and displaying mood swings or poor behaviour. This does not mean your child is neuro diverse, it just means they are relaxing and becoming themselves in a place they feel safe and secure. Are you the same at home as you are at work? Probably not. This is you removing your mask too.
Everyone experiences masking