Welcome everyone to the second of our Bosmere Newsletters for the Autumn Term. I cannot quite believe we are approaching the end of this term and I know all the children are excited about Christmas!
We have all been incredibly busy preparing for all the activities we had going on in school for Christmas. Year 3 did an amazing performance of ‘Christmas around the World’. Year 4 children produced a wonderful Nativity and it was so lovely to see so many parents able to enjoy their performance. Year 5’s performance exploring the Magic of the Mayans was brilliant. Year 6 delighted us all with their Charles Dickens performance. Once again, thank you to all who managed to attend the Carol Services at St Faith’s Church where all the children sang their hearts out, even though the church heating had broken – their joyful singing kept them warm!!!
Your children may have shared with you that even the staff celebrated Christmas by performing a dance to the children during afternoon break last week. It was a little chilly but thoroughly enjoyed by all!!
I would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and hope that you all have a wonderful break. I look forward to welcoming all the children back to school on Monday 6th January 2025.
Our Christmas Raffle was drawn on Monday 16th during the whole school assembly with some fabulous prizes and we would like to thank all the local businesses for supporting us by donating prizes:
Staunton Country Park, The Ship, Langstone, Dominos, Farm Foods, Mother Kelly’s, Emsworth, Horizon Centre, Victorious, Hobbledown Heath, Station Café, Havant, Fishers Farm, Super Games World, Havant, Pavillion Tea Rooms, Northney Tea Rooms, Green King, Kindi Toys, Moose Toys UK, Tesco and last but not least Mrs Helen Baker, who made the wonderful Christmas cake.
A massive thank you to Mrs Janine Taylor who works tirelessly throughout the year to secure the raffle prizes – Janine you are a ‘Super Star’!
We raised a whopping £1248.50 on the raffle so thank you to everyone who purchased tickets. I will let you know the final figure for money raised from all our Christmas events in the next Newsletter. As you know, all the money raised from our Christmas events goes to the PTA who are saving to purchase a new mini bus.
It was lovely having all the children, who were able, coming to school on 10th October wearing yellow. We raised £176.43 for the Young Minds Charity, so thank you for your support
Thank you for supporting our ‘No Pens Day’ we raised £79.55 for Speech & Language UK.
Thank you also to everyone for supporting our Poppy Appeal. We raised £67.35.
Thank you to everyone who contributed to our Reverse Advent calendar, sending in contributions of food, which were delivered to the Beacon Foodbank. They were very grateful for the donation and send a huge thank you to all of the Bosmere community.
Unfortunately, Ms Moore, our office SIMs Manager will be leaving us at the end of this term. She has secured a new position whereby she can work from home, so we wish her all the best for the future. This vacancy has enabled an office reshuffle with the lovely Mrs Chappell, who is currently front of house, being promoted to SIMs Manager and Mrs Clark, currently a LSA in Year 4 joining the office team as Receptionist. Mrs Reilly remains in her current role as Office Manager. We are very excited about the changes and we look forward to continuing to provide an efficient and helpful service to our wonderful pupils and parents.
Mrs Faithfull will be ending her role as Lunchtime Supervisory Assistant; however, we are extremely pleased that she will continue as a LSA in Year 3. In January we will be appointing a replacement for her Lunchtime Supervisor role.
Unfortunately, Mrs Smith is still not well enough to return but we continue to wish her a speedy recovery in the New Year. Mrs Barnard remains class teacher in Year 6 and Mrs Reed and Mrs Dawson will continue to job share in 3DR until the end of this academic year, providing continuity for all pupils involved.
We welcomed Mrs Bruce as a new LSA in Year 3 at the start of this week. Mrs Cameron will also be joining our LSA team in January, replacing Mrs Clark in Year 4. We are very lucky to have appointed two experienced LSAs and know you will join us in welcoming them both to the Bosmere team.
This half term the Year 3 teachers have enjoyed reading the children’s letters to Santa with one of the classes getting a special video message from Erol, one of Santa’s helpers.
The children have also shown great empathy for other countries and cultures, while they have been performing and learning the songs for their concert, “Christmas Around the World” as well as learning lots of songs for the whole school Carol Concert at St. Faith’s Church. Well done children, especially to the choir and to the Year 3 children that were chosen to read in front of all the parents at the Church. We were also treated to an Advent Experience which all the pupils found interesting.
We have had some very interesting smells coming from the middle area. The children have been looking at tooth hygiene and how different liquids effect our teeth. They have applied this to an investigation and decided that testing these different liquids on eggs over several weeks was a good idea!
It has been an exciting and busy few weeks in Year 4. We’ve seen fantastic progress and have been involved in some very special events, all contributing to a positive atmosphere as we approach the Christmas break. We kicked off with our No Pens Day, where children embraced the challenge of communicating without writing tools. It was inspiring to see how creatively everyone engaged in spoken activities, from group discussions to hands-on learning, showcasing their ability to learn in a variety of ways.
Our PSHE lessons on puberty are now complete, with the majority of children approaching these important discussions with curiosity and maturity. Their positive attitude has made these lessons engaging and informative, laying the foundations for future learning and growth.
A huge thank you to all of the families who contributed to our Secrets Room and Reverse Advent Calendar donations. Your kindness and generosity have made such a difference, and we are incredibly grateful for the support you’ve shown to our school community.
As we're sure you're aware, Year 4 have been hard at work rehearsing for their nativity, and we’re thrilled with their dedication and enthusiasm. As we write, the children can’t wait to perform for their families. Their excitement is contagious, and we know the final performance will be one to remember!
Thank you again for all your support this term. Wishing you all a wonderful Christmas!
Year 5 has had another very busy half term! The children have taken part in their wonderful performances of 'The Magic of the Mayans' and showed great resilience and determination when performing to their audiences. We would all like to say a big thank you to all parents who supported by sourcing costumes or attending these performances - the children have really done us all proud!
We have also been hard at work preparing for our Space PBL showcase. The children have worked in small groups, using independence and problem-solving skills, to produce some wonderful projects to support and deepen their science learning. This week, they will have the opportunity to present this to the Year 6 children, sharing their learning about the planets and our universe.
We hope you all have a lovely Christmas break and a Happy New year.
The Year 5 Team.
Year 6 have had another busy half term which included two class assemblies, 6B and 6K. We also took part in 'No Pens Day' which included a 'Show and Tell' session. Although some children were nervous to start with, all enjoyed participating and learned new speaking skills. We also set a maths challenge to build the tallest scaffold using art straws that could hold a weight. There was great communication and teamwork shown.
We started our English unit on Charles Dickens ready for our Christmas performance of 'A Christmas Carol' and Biography of Charles's life. The children have really been engaged learning about the lives of Victorians and the huge differences between rich and poor.
We invited the theatre company 'This is my Theatre' to provide workshops and to perform 'A Christmas Carol' to inspire the children's acting. It certainly made an impression. They were fantastic!
Along with Year 4, we attended the carol service at St. Faiths Church. Year 6 can certainly sing! It really set the atmosphere for celebrating Christmas.
We would like to thank all of our parents for their contributions for our 'Reverse Advent Calendar' and for Year 6's 'Secrets Room'. The Year 6 team would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas.
Eco club has had a busy few weeks. We have been enjoying our outside spaces looking for butterflies in the meadow and bug hunting in the copse. We have also been busy weeding one of our vegetable beds and planting some cucumber plants alongside the strawberry plants.
MEET THE STAFF – Aimee Jackson-Hughes
What role: Year 4 class teacher
Where do you find me: In my lovely classroom - Room 9
When: 7:00am - 4:30pm Monday - Friday
What do you like to do in your spare time: Reading, spending time with my family, doing anything crafty!
Quirky fact: I am absolutely terrified of parrots!
E-SAFETY TIP - Staying Safe Over the Christmas Period
The holiday season is a time for celebration, relaxation and spending well-earned time with loved ones. While this period will hopefully be calm, it’s important that parents and educators acknowledge there are still things we can do to make these weeks as safe as possible for the young people in our care.
Of course, it’s not immediately obvious what can or should be done to stay safe over the festive season. This free guide offers expert advice on the steps you can take to enjoy a less fraught winter break, safeguarding any youngsters who might be present for the celebrations.
Buying a new device for your child? Here are some articles that may help you make sure that the devices are set up to use safely online before you give them to your children.
Amongst the twinkling lights, trying to have cosy moments and the smell of gingerbread that you’ve frantically made as that’s what makes a good Insta post, there is a whirlwind of to-do lists and trying to make the festive season perfect for everyone.
It's this expectation of wanting Christmas to be “perfect” that’s a major source of stress for most parents/carers.
What is “perfect”?
Families need to remember that it's the experiences of sharing and having fun that really matters and not just “the stuff".
Christmas decorations or dinners don't have to look a certain way. Who needs that added pressure? Who says you must eat turkey? Who says you must have matching pyjamas? If parents are normally easy-going, under stress they may get more rigid or up tight and this can have an impact on the children.
Children don't always understand what the pressure is and why people are behaving differently. It’s Christmas which is fun and exciting. Why’s everyone so stressed? Share the load…let children help so they can feel like they're part of the festivities, delegate! You don’t need to take ownership for everything.
Don’t look at the picture perfect Insta photos. How staged are they? How many times did it take to get that “perfect shot”.
Focus on the fun and what actually matters such as thinking of the family and friends and have them know they are valued. Sharing and making memories cost’s nothing.
JAN 2025
23rd- 3rd Jan
Christmas Holiday
6th January
First day of Spring Term 2025
Closing date for club requests
7pm – 10.15pm Yr5 to see The Prince and the Pauper
Letters home to confirm club places
Yr6C Junior Conservancy trip
8.30am parents coffee morning
Spring clubs start
6pm PTA meeting
School nurses in to weight and measure Yr6
8.30am parents coffee morning
Yr6K Junior Conservancy trip
Yr3 Egyptian Day
2.30pm Pre-loved uniform sale
8.30am parents coffee morning
Yr6B Junior Conservancy trip
8.30am parents coffee morning
Sport for Champions fundraising Day – info to follow
9am 5P Class assembly to parents
3pm Yr6 SATS and residential meeting
8.30am parents coffee morning
Newsletter sent out
4.45pm L/S Valentine Disco
6.45pm U/S Valentine Disco
8.30am parents coffee morning
Last Day of Half term
17th-21st Feb
Half Term
Children return to school
Dance Club performing off site – info to follow
8.30am parents coffee morning
Book Week
L/S book sale
Yr5 Drop Stop and Read
3pm U/S super story chains with parents
PTA meeting
Dress up as book characters
U/S book sale
8.30am parents coffee morning
3pm L/S story snuggles with parents
Interim reports home
9am 3B class assembly to parents
3.30pm Parent evening consultations
8.30am parents coffee morning
17th – 21st
Parent consultation days
7pm Choir singing at St Faith’s with Solent Mail Choir (by invite)
Red Nose Day
8.30am parents coffee morning
Yr5 trip to D-Day Museum (class tbc)
3.40pm U/S film night
Yr5 trip to D-Day Museum (class tbc)
Yr5 trip to D-Day Museum (class tbc)
3.40pm L/S film night
8.30am parents coffee morning
Spring Clubs finish
31st – 4th Apr
Yr6 residential trip
Newsletter out
Club letters out to parents
9am 4S class assembly to parents
8.30am parents coffee morning
7th – 18th
Bank holiday Monday
Children to return to school
Yr4 trip to Dell Quay (class tbc)
Closing date for clubs
Yr4 trip to Dell Quay (class tbc)
8.30am parents coffee morning
Summer clubs start
Yr4 trip to Dell Quay (class tbc)
6pm PTA meeting