We have had such a positive first half of the Summer Term in every year group. I was particularly proud of each and every child in Year 6 for the way they tackled their SATs tests a couple of weeks ago, showing real resilience and commitment to their learning. They have done their very best and that is all that matters. I hope they all remember now, whatever their results, SATs tests do not reflect who they are as individuals.
We said a sad goodbye to our lunchtime supervisor, Mrs Bath, this half term. We have been interviewing today for a replacement and will be looking forward to welcoming a new member of the team after the holidays.
We also held interviews for a new class teacher to start in September and are very pleased to have appointed Mr Parrack, an ex-Bosmere pupil! We are looking forward to welcoming him to the team. He will be joining us for some of our transition events towards the end of next half term.
We had a brilliant Coronation Party on 5th May. It was such a shame that we could not get outside to enjoy our lunch together due to the rain, but the fun and games continued indoors. Many thanks to Mrs Wright for organising everything, particularly our superb gnome hunt!
We had a fantastic Superstars Event on Wednesday this week. The money is still being counted and I will let you know how much we managed to raise next month. It was wonderful to see the children (and parents!) enjoying themselves so much. We were lucky with the weather this time!
Our next fundraising venture is the School Council Guide Dog Appeal. Well done to all the families who have already been busy getting sponsors! There are prizes for the highest amount raised in each year group, so you still have time to get some more! The fundraising events will take place across the week after the half term holiday. Reminder emails will be sent out.
Now the weather is getting warmer, please can we remind adults to apply sun cream to children before they come into school. It is also good for the children to have a hat/cap to wear at break times. Please ensure your child has their water bottle with them every day.
It continues to be a busy time in Year 3! We have all been delighted to see the sun making an appearance and the children have loved spending time on the field. Where possible, we will be taking our learning outside and making the most of our school grounds.
Thank you to all of the lovely grown ups who joined us for Drop, Stop and Calculate. We hope you enjoyed the session and found it useful. We have worked hard on 'time' this half term and the children are telling the time on analogue and digital clocks with increasing confidence. Please keep practising this at home - it is an important life skill... practise makes perfect!
In PSHE we have been learning about keeping ourselves safe, re-visiting the NSPCC PANTS campaign that many of the children were familiar with from Year 2. Talk PANTS helps children understand that their body belongs to them, and that they should tell someone they trust if anything makes them feel upset or worried. We have encouraged the children to share their learning with you at home... if you would like to meet Pantosaurus, please follow this link...
We hope you all have a wonderful half term!
We have now started our gardening unit, which all the children (and adults!) have totally embraced. This supports our science units: Plants and Habitats. We will also be engaging with our next project based learning (PBL) tasks in this term, which we are all looking forward to as the children absolutely immersed themselves into this style of learning for the Ancient Greeks history unit last term.
Year 4 all had the most wonderful visit to Tuppenny Barn at the start of May. On our visit to the small holding in Southbourne, we were able to forage for some spinach and herbs before taking them into the kitchen to make some cheese muffins – delicious! We also learnt more about planting seedlings, composting and the important role of the humble bumble bee.
We have lots of other fun and exciting plans for the summer term, which we know everyone is going to love! Thank you again for your continued support with homework and reading!
The children have started their geography topic on volcanoes. All 3 classes have visited virtually the Natural History Museum and have learnt some interesting facts and information.
We have also had our second masterclass from Warblington School to prepare children for transition to secondary school.
In English, we are just starting our new topic on the book 'Holes'. We will be writing stories and exploring characters, themes and settings.
We are all looking forward to raising money for the Guide Dogs.
Well, what a month for Year 6! After returning from our residential, we were in full revision mode ready for the SATs. Each and every one worked so hard so that when it came to the actual exams the children were more than up for the challenge. The Year 6 staff were so proud of how the children took on the tests.
Everyone enjoyed the Bank Holidays. When it came to the Coronation of King Charles III, Year 6 thoroughly enjoyed all the activities that were arranged by our own Mrs. Wright. This was an historic event that Year 6 will remember for a long time and another memory that the children will take with them when they leave Bosmere.
What is your role?
Class teacher
Where do you find me?
Year 4
When did you join Bosmere?
2014 - 9 years ago!
What do you like to do in your spare time?
A lot of my spare time is spent singing nursery rhymes, reading books and playing with toys with my 1-year-old girl. I also like to play the piano, watch rugby and bake cakes.
Interesting fact about you:
I am from Yorkshire so I have a different accent. Children sometimes ask if I am foreign but I am from this country - just the northern part.
Hello, I am a member of the local Havant community and I have a background of working in Human Resources in public and private sector organisations. A key focus of my role is to explore what skills are needed for the future and how we can ensure our young people have access to quality education and are excited by the potential career opportunities open to them.
When I am not working, I enjoy spending time with family and friends, walking, travel, and the odd box set!
Why I became a governor
I got involved in school governorship following a period of working voluntarily with a local secondary school to support their careers offering. I realised I wanted to get more involved in the education of local children. I strongly believe that high quality education, which provides learning for life as well as for education purposes, is vital in enabling children to develop as good citizens and to understand the role they can play in positively contributing to the wider society.
Bosmere is the perfect setting to see these values in action. As a member of a team of committed governors, who have a wide range of backgrounds and skills, I feel that I can work collaboratively with Bosmere's exceptional team and make a meaningful contribution to the school and its children.
My current roles on the governing body and what they involve:
In addition to the overall responsibilities of being part of the governing body, I am Vice Chair of the School's Curriculum and Achievement Committee and also a member of the Pay Committee. I link with Year 3 and I am governor subject lead for PSHE.
These roles include scrutinising the educational outcomes achieved by our children, and steps which the school are taking to continually improve the learning experience for Bosmere children, which are tailored to their individual needs.
Eco Club created bug hotels using recycled tin cans and dried materials found in the copse. We chose a variety of natural materials to offer secure spaces for insects and mini beasts to inhabit. Each Eco Club member took a bug hotel home for their garden or to give to someone in the family who has some outside space. Click here for more photos.
Eco Club's new vegetable garden
Thanks to Alfie’s nan who has donated lots of seedlings including marigolds and tomatoes which Eco Club have planted in a raised bed in the vegetable garden. We are taking good care of them and hoping to harvest some tomatoes later in the year. Watch this space!
Identifying Eco areas around the school on a map
Six groups went around the school, with maps and coloured pens, to identify areas where water can be saved (in blue pen), electricity can be saved (yellow), and the location of the recycling station (pink), and green bins for collecting paper and card to be recycled (green). Click here for more photos.
Havant Big Green Week (10th – 18th June)
There are loads of events on offer this week, celebrating action on climate and protecting our wildlife. (https://havantclimatealliance.com/2023/02/15/havant-borough-big-green-week-2023/) Bosmere’s 12 class collages, created during Book Week, based on 'The Lost Words' by Robert Macfarlane, will be displayed upstairs in The Meridian Centre.
Transport - Bosmere Walk to School Week 15th - 19th May
Bosmere is keen to reduce the use of cars to drop off and pick up every day, so we embraced the national ‘Walk to School Week’ challenge. Each class kept a record and awarded certificates to pupils who travelled to and from school every day by sustainable means – walking, by scooter, bike or using the ‘Park & Stride’ scheme. The results are summarised in the 'Walk to School Week' section below and show a few more people than usual used sustainable means of transport this week. Thank you for your support!
Recycling - Summer Pre-Loved Uniform Event
Eco Club volunteers and parents helped to set up the Pre-Loved Uniform Event on 16th May. 48 items of clothing were taken by parents and over £25 donated to the PTA, so we were recycling the clothing, saving it from going into landfill, supporting families during the current cost of living crisis AND raising funds for the PTA. Click here for more photos.
Fairfield Eco Club Visited Bosmere Eco Club
All the children enjoyed this visit and the chance to compare ideas on all things Eco. After eating lunch together under the tree, we did a guided tour, starting with the copse, then the vegetable garden and compost heaps, the jubilee orchard, the willow dome, and finally the wild meadow. We are planning a return visit very soon. Click here for more photos.
We have lots more exciting activities planned for after half term!
Book Box Diorama Competition
What a challenging task to judge these 23 fantastic Book Box Diorama entries! They were all absolutely amazingly creative, using an impressively wide range of artistic skills and materials, many of them recycled. Everyone who entered received a Head Teacher’s Award and the 10 winners each chose a book prize. Here are 2 of the winners. Click here to see more photos.
Beastly Poetry Competition
The 22 children who entered this competition impressed us all with their enthusiasm to write and illustrate a poem about an animal, real or imaginary, small or large, using some wonderfully descriptive ideas. 15 of them received Head Teacher’s Awards and 8 chose book prizes. There will definitely be more poetry competitions in the future to encourage this enthusiastic creativity!
Thank you to all pupils and parents who embraced the challenge of walk to school week. Our previous Travel Survey showed that 35% of us travel to and from school by car. The ‘Walk to School’ data shows that 257 pupils (71.4%) used sustainable means to travel to school at least half the time during the week. So this means that we managed to reduce the number of children only travelling by car to 28.6% - a small improvement but definitely one in the right direction! It would be great if this change could be sustained.
Please use the following link to access an e-Safety Tip on Smartwatches.
Toxic Stress V Healthy Stress
Everyone experiences stress and anxiety from time to time, but did you know a little can be healthy? This is only a problem if it affects your ability to live your life.
Stress and anxiety aren't necessarily a bad thing. It can spur us on, help us stay alert, make us aware of risks, and motivate us to solve problems.
Anxiety and fear are often associated with uncomfortable physical feelings, such as increased heart rate, muscle tension, sweating and shortness of breath, just to mention a few. This is why anxiety and fear are often viewed as "negative emotions."
Even though anxiety and fear may feel unpleasant or uncomfortable, they are in no way negative. They actually serve a very important purpose.
It would be very hard to get by in life without these emotions, and fearing a negative outcome may then lead to some kind of avoidance behaviour resulting in further difficulties.
It can be important to overrule our anxiety and fear. Even if our body is telling us to avoid something, we can move forward!
Toxic stress refers to stress strong enough to trigger your body's “fight or flight” response. This type of stress can overwhelm you, leaving you feeling afraid and helpless and unsure what to do about it.
Normal stress is usually short-term and is due to a situation or incident. This doesn't cause major distress and can be resolved in a short time. This is absolutely normal!
The next time you experience anxiety or fear, ask yourself, is it really toxic stress? The answer is most probably no!
Is the anxiety you’re experiencing stemming from a real event, or could you be overthinking/predicting the future? These are known as Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTs).
As always, Mrs. Lever is able to support you or your child with any of these issues.
Don’t shy away; work through it.
You’ve got this!
5th |
Return to school |
5th - 9th |
Guide Dog fundraising events |
7th |
Y3 Trip to Butser |
8th |
PTA Meeting via TEAMS - 6pm |
9th |
12th |
Y6 Fiver Challenge - 3.30pm - 4pm |
15th |
6B Assembly 9am
16th |
Y6 Fiver Challenge 3.30pm - 4pm |
22nd |
Y4 - 1 class - Trip to Dell Quay (class tbc)
Y6 Fiver Challenge 3.30pm - 4pm
23rd |
INSET day |
26th |
Y6 Fiver Challenge 3.30pm - 4pm |
27th |
Y4 (2 classes) Trip to Dell Quay (classes tbc)
Y5 Masterclass at Warblington (2-3pm) Parents to be invited from 3pm.
29th |
Sports Day (time tbc) |
3rd - 7th |
Last week of Summer Clubs |
3rd |
ECO Club - Boat trip 10.30am - 3pm |
4th |
Yr 2 transition and class move up morning |
5th |
Yr 2 transition picnic 12pm
Yr 2 new parents meeting 1.45pm
6th |
Rocksteady Concert (time tbc) |
14th |
Y5 Performance "Bombed" 2pm |
17th |
Reports to parents
Y6 Trip to Poultons Park
19th |
Y3 Celtic Day |
20th |
Y6 Leavers DISCO 6.30pm to 8.30pm (tbc) |
21st |
Final Celebration Assembly (time tbc)
30th |
School Uniform Shop OPEN 10 am - 2pm |